Thursday, May 19, 2011
Gypsy spirit takes a hiatus .....
Heading home and can hardly wait to see my kids at the airport!! .... puttered around London for a few days, enjoyed the quiet of Hyde Park and the rose gardens primarily; did 'make it to the shops' as well, as they say here .... had to restrain myself from buying too much for the little one ..... but could not resist a few outfits ..... wow, what fun! .... has been awhile since I last was in a baby department!! ...... I managed to elbow my way through the crowds into Harrods toy department ..... there I really had to work hard not to buy anything!!! Suitcase space .... hmmmm. Wow, what a year it has been .... how many different landscapes I have walked along, inhaling the ambiance in each and every country ..... extraordinary!
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Hanging out in Hamburg ....
Kellie on her patio/deck
Soon to be 36 and glowing!
Kellie, overlooking the canal in Hamburg
Katia and Kellie
Weird Hungarian art at National Gallery in Budapest
Beautiful Budapest!
Awesome time in Hamburg with my niece Kellie, my sister Maija's daughter, who has lived in Germany for almost a dozen years ... Kellie has, over the years, become quite fluent in German .... she has not taken a single formal class (well, I suppose having a number of German boyfriends may have been a contributing factor in the fluency aspect :) .... If anything, Kellie has now developed a rather interesting English accent! Cool ...
After a year of semi-documenting my life, some brief entries, some rambling, I seem to have ground to a halt. Rarely is my brain nor my camera battery charged these days ...... when a museum, art gallery or church fails to entice, it is obvious I am ready to truck home and recharge. Got the camera geared to take pictures of Kellie though ..... ! Several months ago, when I was booking my flight to Hamburg, I had also thought it possible to hop a train to Heerlen in the Netherlands to visit with my cousin Marjatta and her husband Hank, with a further short trip to Regensburg to visit Maija & Otto's German relatives Simone, Hunni and their families, all of whom I had looked forward to visiting on this trip, but at some point in the last week, I realized how exhausted I am from my travels ..... I just simply could not face another commute in any format! ..... It was all I could handle just thinking about getting to London to catch my connecting flight to Calgary ...... once in London, I intend on sleeping in and luxuriating in a comfy hotel! ... so, extraordinary year aside, I am quite happy with no further travel connections to contemplate!!! ..... well, knowing myself, that will be good enough for a few months in any event :) Posting my last few pictures ..... last few pics of Budapest, Kellie here and there in Hamburg, a "girl's" evening out with Katia and Tanh, a special birthday dinner celebrating both our May birthdays, enjoying a quiet afternoon at Kellie's apartment ......
Friday, May 6, 2011
As I bid Szia to my historical tribesmen .....
Although I did learn a dozen or so words of Hungarian during my stay and yes, it sounds unbelievably similar to Finnish as I had been told, the languages are still, if not worlds apart, countries apart! I discovered only one tiny word ... "jo" .... 'yes' in both Finnish and Hungarian, but more of a "sure, okay" in Hungarian .... "igen" being the more formal yes! .... the language is softly poetic ..... sentences flow beautifully. While sharing my blog site with students and teachers, it became obvious that to Hungarians, the term "gypsy" signifies something that carries a bit of a negative vibe. Despite sharing the reasons for my personal affinity for the term, my idea of 'gypsy spirit' was not exactly embraced :) ....... After some research, I learned that the Roma people of Hungary are known as gypsies, and are rather marginalized and secretly, if not openly, disliked by most Hungarians. They live primarily in Hungary and Romania. I noticed a scattering of Roma children in the classrooms but they are not the norm ..... many do not attend school at all. They present similar issues and intolerant attitudes in Hungary as our own Native population does in Canada. When I finally make it back for a visit to Finland, I wonder if the same attitude will prevail towards the Finnish gypsies, who held such fascination for me as a young toddler? I purposely left Finland off my year's itinerary, wanting to experience our heritage home with my sisters, our daughters and sons perhaps ..... might be a great first trip for my granddaughter as well! More on that as the plans solidify. Linda Overmann, if you are reading this, I know you were probably hoping I would work this wanderlust out of my system during the course of this year, but, alas, I did not :) and I wonder how that is even possible! .......... instead, the year's experiences only served to stir the embers into a full fledged fire of desire to continue my global explorations and volunteerism .... as the saying goes, 'if the good Lord willing and the cash don't run out....." As I near the end of this extraordinary year, and continue to evolve into even more of a quiet and reflective version of me ..... I observe that I am perhaps a little softer around the edges, literally and otherwise :) .... my occasional abrasiveness on issues that offend me .... is just a little less so, the confrontational attitude .... also a little less so, any concerns for the many insignificant details of life .... oh wow, a lot less so, empathy and understanding for others ..... a lot more so ..... I make attempts to walk in the shoes of others, and at times, that entails going barefoot :) hoping to gain understanding and empathy ........... when we approach people and life from a place rooted in honesty, patience, respect and kindness, it makes a world of difference to what we experience. My year, in many respects has been about a personal quest of sorts, to find that sense of a common humanity .... what joins us, rather than divides us. For so many of us, our reactions, hence our experiences are so tied in with our egos, our opinions, our need to be heard, (I, me, me) that often, we miss the opportunity to fully engage the best parts of ourselves with people, nature, the world we live in. Many years ago when Brian and I lived in Kuwait, we met a Canadian diplomat at a party, who shared a little known fact about our former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau ..... who apparently often took several minutes to respond to a statement or query when engaged in 'one on one' conversation. Minutes .... imagine that!! In those years in particular, my early twenties, I would jump in with my opinion well before anyone had even finished talking ...... yes, yes, am well aware that the annoying habit lingers ..... comes with the psychological profile and territory of growing up the middle child in a very large family .... "hurry hurry, before someone else gets the spotlight" :) In all these years, that one memory from my years in Kuwait holds fast and I still marvel at the possibility of that kind of interchange and conversation! Most of us jump in, barely listening, before we are espousing forth our own opinions, thoughts etc., so caught up are we in our ego's need to be heard, validated ..... Almost afraid of the silences, quick to fill them with words, opinions, thoughts, that cannot possibly be that well thought out! I have slowed down and not perhaps because I had some lofty goal to do so ... no it was more or less forced on me by my circumstances, which allowed for more opportunity to listen and observe human interactions ...... Regardless and possibly because of my age, I remain a student of life .... The world with all it's comings and goings, wars, conflicts and peaceful protests, the diversity of it's many cultures, never ceases to move me, and sometimes in ways I never expected .... It is still a beautiful world, full of many wonders and opportunities to make a difference. When volunteering, I have a strong tendency to make note of a shy child in a classroom, or the bully, or really anyone who I see that could benefit from a bit of extra encouragement, or attention, or kindness (and oh boy, on any given day, couldn't we all use a bit of that!!) ..... The young child at the orphanage in Vietnam that I was so drawn to, has never been far from my thoughts .... In quiet moments, I often wonder how he is coping? .... is there anyone around to give him encouragement, a loving touch, a hug from the heart? Are the nuns who run the orphanage kind to him? In Hodmezovarsarhely, there was a young boy in one classroom, who I noticed never put up his hand to answer my questions, and this in a class where most were quite enthusiastic about interacting with me as they were fairly advanced in their English skills. When I singled him out, the whole class called out that "he does not speak, and to ask someone else the question". With a little bit of encouragement, I asked if he would like to write the answer on the blackboard instead. He shyly walked up to the board, wrote out an amazingly articulate, beautifully handwritten answer to the question. I was totally taken aback and gushed .... "that is a great answer and my goodness, but you have the most amazing handwriting I have ever seen ! I could stand to take a few lessons from you because my handwriting is a total mess!" ..... he nodded, grinned and shyly walked back to his seat. Whenever I chanced to see him in the hallways, he would greet me with a wave and a shy smile. Thankfully, there are far wiser and more capable people also looking after the larger gestures ... (thank you Gates, Buffet et al, Kiva Organization for the amazing work done in Africa and Oprah .... all awesome role models, out there, doing good). I am okay with my meager contributory ripples. With all the troubles that beset our world, it can all seem totally overwhelming to even attempt to help, making it is easy to sit back and just let others more capable than ourselves look after the world. It is an 'out' too many of us choose. I have always however, believed in the 'one person' theory .... the 'pay it forward' theory ...... to help one person at a time and have faith that the gesture will mushroom. So, yes, human connections, administered with kindness. That, I can do. Namaste ..... a Sanskrit word, used so casually by many, and is indeed a basic greeting in many countries of the East, but is one of the most beautiful words I have discovered over the years .... Literal translations ..... "The spirit in me respects the spirit in you" or "the divinity in me, bows to the divinity in you" ..... that is as good as it gets for me. It is enough. Namaste everyone.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Last Year in the Fifties .....
Feeling a tad lonely for family here in Budapest on this, my 59th birthday .... last year in the fifties! But what a lovely surprise waited in my room after breakfast .... Sarah and Tim had arranged a beautiful bouquet of spring flowers to be delivered, along with a bottle of champagne ..... blew those lonely blues right out the window! I have the kindest most awesome kids on the planet!! I feel very very blessed to have them in my life .... after all these years of being their mom, I still marvel ..... they are indeed blessings of the highest order.
The day was spent doing what I love .... walking and exploring ..... museums and art galleries ..... coffee stops at outdoor cafes, soaking in these last bits of European ambiance before heading for home ..... topped the evening off with a production of Giselle at the famous Budapest Opera House, which is as splendid a venue as I have been in .... the pictures probably do not do justice. Thank you to everyone for your kind birthday wishes on facebook ..... another bit of home to savor on my day :) Wish someone other than Sarah knew how to leave messages on my blog though! ...... Beautiful Birthday in Budapest!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Springtime in Hungary ..... Felsohamor, Bukk National Park, Lillafured and Lake Homor
To my surprise, 2011 may be the first year I have experienced a true blue spring! So refreshing and wonderful for the spirit. The cool rains of Athens, Santorini, Naxos, Syros were the early stages of spring in February ..... March in Crete was a mixed bag of sunny warmth and stormy days, where I saw my first flowering almond trees, mistaking them for cherry blossoms :) .... onward to the April warmth of Hungary, where blankets of field flowers cover the countryside, trees fresh in their lime green foliage! After noting comments from family and friends in emails and facebook, regarding Calgary's constant onslaught of snow, even in May!! .... one might rightfully come to the conclusion that Calgary has two seasons .... winter, and a little bit of "not winter" :) What a delight is spring ..... I could live in this season! ....... (The pictures are all views from my mornings walks in Hortobagy, Lillafured and Felsohamor ) ...... beautiful!
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