Sarah, Aliana and I head to Vancouver for little one's first trip away from home. We want to introduce her to my good friends Mickey and Gordon in Surrey and then on to Kelowna and Vernon to visit with the aunties and families.
Well, this post was started in September, 2011 and it is currently March 10, 2012, and that is as far as I got recording the last seven months!! The travel grew to include Cabo in Mexico, La Quinta, Snowbird, Utah, Toronto ..... oh my, so much flying for a little wee one!! It is a vast understatement to say I have been busy living, traveling and enjoying this new status in life of a grandma .... the travels have for the most part, been with Aliana along. September was a great combination flight and road trip to Vancouver, enjoying the West coast, a visit with Mickey and Gordon, and my sisters and their families in the Okanagan, Aliana being a trooper traveler right from the start. Since then , we have logged many airmiles; Cabo San Lucas with both the Senior and Junior Overmanns, La Quinta in California on two separate occasions, with the whole family in tow; Christmas there was a special time with all of us together. Aliana and Sarah squeezed in a quick business trip to Toronto in there somewhere. A breastfed baby travels with mom everywhere!! If that wasn't enough, they just returned from a week long ski/boarding vacation in Snowbird, Utah, where Aliana enjoyed her first views of a ski hill high in the mountains! Whew ....... I am exhausted just typing that down!! Sarah is a most awesome mom .... she amazes daily. Tim has managed some travelling with us, but is still plugging away at those last few subjects to finish up with that business degree ..... a bit of a slowpoke! I am known for a particular comment, "what was the big hurry to get to this adult status anyway?" and Tim has perhaps taken me to task on my words :)
Brian and I are just enthralled with our new roles as grandparents. Aliana Eeva has opened a whole new level of love, not just for us, but for our whole little family. She is a most amazing child, full of good cheer and warm social skills, very much a communicator. I gush, but cannot help myself :) Being a part of the miracle of life, on this second tier, is just the most extraordinary experience .... every development has me absorbed.
Somewhere in the midst of all this, Sarah, my sister Marg, sister-in-law Linda, and friend Mickey managed a surprise 60th birthday party for me in La Quinta .... three months early, so the surprise was a most definite success! Brad, Bruce and Rob cooked a delicious prime rib dinner .... making the surprise even better!! Great evening .... not crazy about that big 6 oh!! but am getting used to the elder status .... still have a month or so before the actual date!
So in interest of keeping current, enjoy my pictorial review of the past several months. Perhaps at some point, when the writing bug hits, I shall attempt to write about this most exquisite time in my life. For the present time, words somehow seem inadequate. (I seem to have erased all my pictures from Vancouver and Kelowna ... need some serious computer help from the younger generation to find them!!