Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How ironic ......

Ironic that the demise of the autocratic fiefdoms of the Middle East will be eradicted (hopefully all of them in time), utilizing the modern day social tool of Facebook, by a rebellious youth culture who have kindled the fires of democracy for millions! Who was not moved by what happened in Egypt??!! Facebook has often been reviled for the most part by the older generations .... (mine :)!!!) .... as a waste of precious time, not to be trusted etc. but how refreshing and cool that it has been the means to start such a revolution!!! ..... hmmm, and invented by that young enterprising American .... he of the Jewish roots! One surely has to chuckle about the irony! ...... yes, democracy rules ..... not perhaps a perfect form of government, but the best of the lot!!

So wow, things continue to evolve on the global front ..... the longer I am on the road, the more cultures I continue to experience ....... the different experiences rendered by these cultural differences ........ the more obvious it becomes that the similarities outshine the differences ......... to have someone to love, share, laugh, cry, break bread with ..... yes, even if struggling to put food on the table, those desires remain a constant ..... give or take a few bad apples in the global mix ...... if good action continues to outnumber bad, eventually a balance will form ....... ("you may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one" .... hmmm love that John Lennon!) ............... a caring smile, a warm touch, a hearty hug, a kind word, a sandwiche passed to someone on the edge of hunger, a warm cup of tea, a few coins into an outstretched hand, volunteering where there is need ..... human kindness ..... all, always welcomed. Be the change ......... pretty much sums up my only moral code these days. Simple and doable .........

Speaking of family .... missing mine deeply, this "family day week" in Canada ......... but forgot, they are not in Canada either but skiing and riding the slopes somewhere in Hokkaido, Japan ......... Tim's spring reading break from classes :) ....... reading the snow reports!! We have always been a travelling troop, the Webbs ........ sometimes together, sometimes not :) ...... sigh .......


  1. Hope you get to Mykonos and Santorini (Thera). I have heard they are very scenic. Looking forward to your pics.


  2. Have been to both at various times in the last decades, but going back to Santorini!
