Typical mall scene in Dubai ....
Dubai, an interesting cross between New York, Las Vegas and Honolulu ..... Emirate style!! ..... and then some!
City scene is a few blocks from my hotel ..... I tend to get up early for walks .... the light was beautiful in the mornings!
Ceiling at Palace Hotel in Abu Dhabi
Palace Hotel Abu Dhabi ... view from the beach
The infamous million dollar Christmas Tree at Palace Hotel, Abu Dhabi
Brad and his girls :)

Mandy dishes out dessert!

The beautiful McMechan women!

Arabian Nights ..... Christmas Eve

Gift Exchange .... the McMechans gifted me some beautiful scarves!

Arianna' gift to Brad ...her own artwork!

Appetizers in the backyard ...

Mandy dishes out dessert!
The beautiful McMechan women!
Arabian Nights ..... Christmas Eve
Gift Exchange .... the McMechans gifted me some beautiful scarves!
Arianna' gift to Brad ...her own artwork!
Appetizers in the backyard ...
Mandy, Brad, Arianna and Isabel hosted a most amazing Christmas Eve feast .... they turned what could have been a rather lonely Christmas for me, into a beautiful family time. Their backyard was transformed into an "Arabian Night's"setting .... dinner was a multi-cultural affair ....... beyond delicious! Rubbing full tummies, we managed to make it further into the back yard to recline on a couch/divan, large enough for all of us ....... so comfy, that we lingered long, savoring a tummy soothing and digestive mint tea :) ..... all under a twinkling starlit canopy of sky ..... truly an oasis!! ..... We had exchanged gifts earlier under the tree (surreal, somewhat, to have this festive atmosphere in the middle of an Islamic nation :) ...... the girls each gave Brad and Mandy oil paintings that had been their projects at an art camp during summer holidays in Canada ..... both, budding artists! Isabel's painting was a Monet-ish scene but unfortunately my camera setting/lighting was wrong and do not have it to post, drats!
Christmas Day, Brad, Arianna, Isabel and I drove to Abu Dhabi (an hour and a half drive from Dubai ..... on a very modern freeway!) to check out the famous Christmas Tree on display at the Palace Hotel ..... special only in that it was decorated with serious jewelry .... gems and all!! ..... at least the bottom third of the tree was. We enjoyed a walk through the famous hotel, glorious and ostentatious as all these new Arabic Hotels are ..... the Emiratis seem to prefer an overstated Donald Trumpish Vegas style :) ....... Isabel and I enjoyed a stroll along the beach despite the windy day. We share a love of the outdoors .... she is a very sporty young lady and is currently wishing she could play hockey in Dubai!! Isabel ... you go girl!
Christmas Day, Brad, Arianna, Isabel and I drove to Abu Dhabi (an hour and a half drive from Dubai ..... on a very modern freeway!) to check out the famous Christmas Tree on display at the Palace Hotel ..... special only in that it was decorated with serious jewelry .... gems and all!! ..... at least the bottom third of the tree was. We enjoyed a walk through the famous hotel, glorious and ostentatious as all these new Arabic Hotels are ..... the Emiratis seem to prefer an overstated Donald Trumpish Vegas style :) ....... Isabel and I enjoyed a stroll along the beach despite the windy day. We share a love of the outdoors .... she is a very sporty young lady and is currently wishing she could play hockey in Dubai!! Isabel ... you go girl!
We decided on a Lebanese style Christmas brunch in the hotel's lovely gardens, complete with turkey ..... scrumptious!! ..... a quiet understated day, relaxing and full of good family affection. My Christmas in Dubai 2010 ........... Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night ......
Al Humdu I-illah
Al Humdu I-illah
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