So much tragedy in the last week .... The situation in Japan has been heart wrenching and my love goes to the people of Japan as they start to heal . As well, all the turmoil in Africa and the Middle East continues to implode and explode ... certainly, this would be a time for us all to work on global healing in whatever way we can. As such, I thought it appropriate to mention something wonderful that happened a few days after the earthquake and resultant tsunami. I was in the small village of Aptera in Vamos area, walking about exploring with my Austrian friend, Monica .... she was excited to introduce someone special to me ...... I had no idea how special ..... I had imagined a day of exploring old ruins!!! Finding Ingrid home, we discovered she was hosting a healing meditation and retreat that day with a group of ladies and of course the situation in Japan was first on the agenda. Every now and again, in the course of our lives, we meet people who resonate with our hearts so intensely .... that words become superfluous ... so it was with Ingrid ... an amazingly kind, loving spirit. She travelled to Crete as a young lady of nineteen, fell in love with both the island and a young Cretan, and has lived here since! Ingrid and her husband have four children, and together, run a restaurant motel business in Vamos as well as an olive orchard and farm. Ingrid has in recent years, since the children grew up, become quite involved in the holistic movement that has stretched even to these remote little villages of Crete. She has started hosting healing meditations within her community and being the generous soul she is, no one is ever exempt .... anyone and everyone is always welcome in her home .... even a stranger from Canada! .... Ingrid is a wonderful light to have in the world ..... a kind, loving, giving human being .... I don't think we can ever underestimate the power of prayer and meditation in being a helping force. The picture above was painted by a local artist friend of Ingrid's ..... it is on the outside wall of a room at their Inn, where she hosts the retreats .... if weather permits, sessions are held outside on the balcony where this wall painting is a focal point ..... Serene Souda Bay sits below. I am humbled with the beauty that prevails, even in the midst of the rubble of global tragedy .... to activate that spirit of goodness, host a healing meditation .... aahh, I feel at peace .... meeting Ingrid was like being shot with a warm ray of hope .... love in action. Pure joy.
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