Respite from my gypsy life did not last long .... two weeks and here I am, on the road again ..... flying to the Mayan Riviera in Mexico for Tim's best friend Scott's wedding ..... the plane is full of Genoway relatives ..... I believe their whole clan is coming!!
Arrived to too much sun, resulting in too much sun burn, (memory lapse about sun block!) followed by too much rain, a blessing for the sunburn, but making the bride (Kristie) just a tad jittery, for wedding day June 8th!! .... no need to have worried, as the rest of the week was beautiful ..... the wedding day, perfect .....
Earlier on our first Saturday after arrival, loyal hockey fans that we Canadians are, we gathered the troops, hired some vans and headed into the small town of Puerto Morelos, a ten minute drive from the resort to cheer on our Canucks (okay, some of the younger generation is loathe to do so, but the we elders were right into cheering on our Canadian team!!) A few of our group had ventured out earlier in the day to scout out where we could watch the game on a big screen and voila, they found a rather authentic little bar in town, a large screen was put up (okay, a white sheet on a concrete wall but what the heck, it sufficed admirably!!), a projector set up, and a few dozen chairs ... we were in business! Great evening .... we amused the Mexicans no end, as we stood and sang our national anthem in tune with that cool long haired operatic dude from Vancouver. Scott's sister Krista's boyfriend John (from Vancouver) provided those little white towels for everyone (loyal fan who had brought forty of them with him to the wedding!!) ..... that amused the Mexicans even further as we waved them in circles, hollered, hooted and cheered at every opportunity :) So, we are back there again Monday night .... normally the bar is closed then, but he is opening up just for our group .... could be something to do with the fact we cleaned him out of food and beer on last game night :)
Oh yes, the resort is lovely, the bride beautiful, the groom can't stop grinning and the rest of us are having a hoot enjoying the ambiance ..... pictures to follow! Many marvelous Mexican moments ......
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