Friday, June 25, 2010

Missing Family.....Sarah's Birthday

June 25, 1982, at 2:23 pm, God granted Brian and I a small miracle ...... Sarah Liisa Webb, all 7 pounds, 11 ounces of little baby girl, was born!! What a gift of pure love a child is and how easily one transforms into a parent, willing from that moment forward to be the best you can be, loving and giving of yourself totally....the transformation, as natural as breathing. In a heartbeat, a baby changed our lives forever. Brian and I became, mommy and daddy!!! I am far away from my family, on a small dot in the middle of the Pacific and my heart is heavy at times as I miss being in their midst........every year, on the birthdates of my children, I have a small ritual I play in my mind of their moments of birth, remembering and honoring two amazing beings and today I honor Sarah on her 28th birthday......Sarah if you are reading this today.....celebrate the wonderful, amazing, beautiful young woman that you are. I love you very much. Kia Orana, Love always, mom xxxooo


  1. Thank you!! I am having a great day, went golfing with Dad and Tim this morning, and off for Korean food with friends tonight!

    Miss you, hope we connect on the phone soon.

    love Sarah

  2. What a beautiful tribute to a daughter. I got very heavy at heart that I could not just talk to you as I miss you so much my friend. Love Mickey

  3. Thank you for sharing once again with us all back home. You write so that we can all just almost experience what you are.
    Yes, a child is certainly a gift. Ditto on your feelings. Went for dinner with Sarah, Rob and some friends.
    We all miss you also Seija. You know me, big wimp, crying as I write happy for you to be experiencing this opportunity that will no doubt be life altering, in such a good way. Still miss you terribly though. xoxo Marg
